Huntington Beach, CA

Huntington Beach, CA
Making Waves

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Goodbye Cellulite! By Nivea

What words come to mind when we think of cellulite? Gross, dimples, annoying….most of us women have this totally unnecessary and self conscious body flaw. We will all spend money on treatments and products to try and get rid of the dreaded “cottage cheese”, but do they really work?

I have tried a few things in the past to get rid of this pesky flaw and was always so skeptical. One day I was watching the Tyra show right before her last show and I love what she has done for females as far as lifestyle changes and body image. She even fully admits that she herself has cellulite but that she embraces it. So, this show was about cellulite and how they had partnered with Nivea Worldwide - NIVEA to market their new product called “goodbye cellulite”. It is a new serum they have concocted to combat the dimples on our skin. Along with some nutritional advice, exercise advice and a 14 day challenge the results that some of the women had were amazing.

Unfortunately for us Canadians (unless I am completely blind) we can’t get access to the 14 day challenge to find out what the nutritional and exercise advice is, but we can buy the product for approx $12 in local stores.

Since I watch what I eat and exercise on a daily basis (or try anywayz lol) I decided to pick me up a bottle and do my own 14 day challenge. I am at day 8 using it once a day and I am already seeing a difference, the gel has a nice smell to it, it goes on smoothly and is not sticky. I will start to use it twice a day and see if I can get even better results,

I give this product thumbs up and if you have cellulite you should definitely try this product!

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